What is Anorexia Nervosa?


Anorexia Nervosa is the medical term for one type of eating disorder. It is commonly known as Anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is one of the severest of the eating disorders as it can cause very serious and near fatal consequences. It usually begins with normal dieting and slowly overtime becomes an obsession with the sufferer to lose as much weight as she/he can.

The individual begins then to starve themselves and will often use laxatives and excessive exercising to achieve their need to become as thin as possible. It then becomes a psychological disorder which needs to be treated as such. The need for perfection and control are particular factors along with body dysmorphic, which is a distorted view of one’s own body, believing their body is overweight when the evidence shows the contrary. In certain cases, when anorexia is prolonged, hospital treatment maybe necessary before therapy can begin.