What is Anxiety – Anxiety Attacks – Panic Disorder?

Anxious woman

All the above disorders are very much interlinked with each other. These disorders may often begin with an onset of worrying thoughts for the sufferer, leading to irrational ideas about their present situation, and often the sufferer ‘catastrophising’ their situation in their minds. This eventually causes an overwhelm of fear and anxiety. When this cycle continues, the fear experienced can progress towards anxiety and panic attacks. These anxiety and panic attacks can appear out of nowhere which can be very distressing for the sufferer. Because anxiety and panic attacks produce a high level of physiology, this physical intensity in the body can exasperate the condition causing this cycle of anxiety and panic to continue.
Anxiety Disorders can be brought on by an overload of stressful situations in the present life, but also often from earlier trauma in a person’s life. With the appropriate counselling approach and techniques, with the help of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, individuals can recover quickly and lead normal healthy lives in the future.